OutDated.Software (ODS) FAQ:

We have already put together some questions that come up frequently for you here:

This happens if the program or updates were downloaded from different IP addresses and there are not enough payments.
In other words, there is active payment, so only one IP (IP4 or IP6) can download the updates.
If the server has received a new main IP, please contact us so that we can reset the IPs.
If another server is used, an additional payment is necessary.
Please check in config.inc.php that the stats option is activated.
If this is set to 0 or off, no data will be sent to OutDated.Software and therefore no statistics can be created.

If the option is already set to On/1, please check whether the server has the URL https://dl.outdated.software/en/stats.html can call.
The output should be s:2:"ok"; be issued.
Yes, these will be deleted within a few seconds.
However, there is still a backup of the MySQL database for a maximum of 3 days, so the data can be restored with great effort.
After the days when the backups have been overwritten, there will be no more data and everything will be completely deleted from the server/account.
In this case, a private account was not created, but a company account.
Please contact us so that we can convert your account to a company account.
Please fill out the form in the customer login under "Request" so that we can check and include the application.
There are only a few exceptions where recording is not possible.
The easiest way to contact us is of course via the contact form.
Or via email to support@outdated.software
We can then check and fix this and, depending on the severity, also issue a discount code as a thank you.
For external reporters, we first have to clarify what a thank you can look like as a value.
In this case, there is no active payment for the account or it is still set to "in progress".
Please contact us so that we can check the status of the payment for you.
Please contact us using the contact form, then we will get in touch with you and see that we can carry out the installation together.
Please write to us using the contact form or send us an email to:

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